BMI lets you to focus on your fitness level and dieting routines. BMI lets you know about your body fitness factors such as correct weight, correct height, calorie requirements, diet routines, weight loss or weight gain progress etc...
* profile
- create your basic profile with height, weight, age etc..
- add your picture to your profile
* fitness
- BMI, Body fat percentage, Ideal body weight demonstrates your current fitness level.
- These indicators influences an individual to fine tune their health and prevent obesity at young age.
* weight loss diet
- 5 day diet chart helps you to plan your healthy diet to improve your fitness and health.
* weight goal progress
- Lets you know, how well you are progressing with your weight loss or weight gain.
* daily calorie needs
- Every person has a different caloric needs based on their lifestyle.
- Lets you know about your minimum calorie needs based on your fitness parameters and your activity
There are many new features such as data sync, exercise tracker are planned for the future releases. Thanks for Supporting us and as always we need your continuous encouragement in future.</br></br></br></br></br></br>